NEW eBooks About Politics

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


'Bush On The Couch' by Justin A. Frank. The book was originally written in 2004 and examined the mind of Bush 43 through his actions, words and movements. The current book contains the original book, plus several additional sections that look at any changes, since the first book and to give a prognosis. What is contained in these pages is scary. Bush seems to have serious problems and it is a wonder we are not in worse shape than we are. Fascinating reading. Frightening when you think it's about someone who sits in the oval office.

'The Nine:' by Jeffrey Toobin. This book on the Supreme Court is the best book I have read this year. I am not a lawyer or legal scholar so much of the information about how the court operates was new to me. In additon I wanted to read about Bush v. Gore, the abortion decisions and the decisions on religious displays. I have wondered for years if the Bush v. Gore decision would come back to haunt us and damage our country, our confidence in the court and our faith in democracy and after reading this book I remain very much afraid that it might. Use the Coupon Code Below to receive a Discount on either or both of the eBook Titles.

Bush on the Couch Rev Ed eBook edition by Frank, Justin A.
With the Bush administration in permanent crisis, a renowned Washington psychoanalyst updates his portrait of George W.'s public persona—and how it has damaged the presidency.
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The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court by Toobin, Jeffrey
Bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin takes you into the chambers of the most important—and secret—legal body in our country, the Supreme Court, and reveals the complex dynamic among the nine people who decide the law of the land.
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